💯 Review

💯 Review

What is a review?

Reviewing, originating from the Go terminology, refers to the process of re-examining each move after a game has ended, analyzing successes and failures. In a broader context, reviewing is a process of reflection and learning, extracting lessons and insights from past actions and decisions to guide future actions.

What is a review?

Reviewing, originating from the Go terminology, refers to the process of re-examining each move after a game has ended, analyzing successes and failures. In a broader context, reviewing is a process of reflection and learning, extracting lessons and insights from past actions and decisions to guide future actions.


Scoring each key result is an important part of the review in the retrospective.

The progress of key result completion can serve as an important reference for scoring, but it is not required that the score aligns with the progress. This is because scoring tends to focus more on the quality of key result completion rather than the quantity. It is often the quality that determines whether your key results lead to the achievement of your goals.

The final score of the review is calculated based on the scores and weights of each key result.

We believe that a score of 70 is a relatively healthy final score for an OKR.

If the final score is too high, such as 80 to 90, or even 100, it is considered that your OKR was not challenging enough; if the score is too low, it is seen as overly challenging, or there were issues with the execution of the OKR.


In the review, we provide a space for writing summaries for each goal, which is a crucial step.

  • Self-reflection is possible. This is not only about the achievement of goals but also about personal growth and development. We can think about what we learned in the process of pursuing our goals and how our skills and abilities have improved.

  • We can look forward to the future. Based on the summary and reflection, set new goals and key results, preparing for future work and life.

Review can be conducted at different target stages.

Mid-term review

The mid-term review is primarily applied in the process of execution when there are changes between the actual situation and the targets set during the review, which necessitates modifications to the goals or key results.

The mid-term review can be initiated at any time during the ongoing objectives, and you can edit any information in the review during this process. Every version of the content and notes you edit will be recorded, which is beneficial for summarizing the changes made during the review assessment.

End-of-term review

The final review is a comprehensive reflection conducted at the end of a goal, aimed at assessing the execution of the entire objective, the degree of achievement of key results, and the learning and growth throughout the process.

This process not only helps us summarize past experiences but also provides guidance for future planning and improvement.